sjfphotography: *fine art images *natural light portraits *greeting cards

Friday, May 23, 2014

a good day for farming
The one and a half inches of rain not only raised the farmers' spirits but also helped raise the cotton.  The cottonseed recently planted is now sprouting.  Many farmers took to the fields to do some finger-scratching.
Cotton germination begins as the seed absorbs water and oxygen through its seed coat 4 to 14 days after after planting. The water swells the dormant tissues, and cell growth and division begin to take place. The radicle emerges through the micropyle, turns downward, and grows deeper into the soil, providing a taproot that will supply water and nutrients throughout the life of the plant. The hypocotyl elongates from the radicle and forms an arch or crook that begins to push up through the soil, a brief period often referred to as the “crook stage”. (Courtesy of Ag Extension)
Hale County, Texas

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