take a tip from tip's
The tip from Tip's might be "buy your beer here." Maybe you passed up Sue's Liquor 25 miles back in Crosbyton and not realize if might be another 90 miles to the beer store in Seymour. Probably no need to comparison shop since Tip's doesn't have much competition in town. Dickens voted "wet" in 1964 but Tip's has only been there since 1998. Prior to the alcohol referendum Dickens was a "prohibition" county--which did not necessarily mean there were no drinkers. Imbibers just had to know where to find the bootleggers. Bootleggers have been around about as long as the settlers. There is a story about Samuel G. Flook, bookkeeper at the Espuela Ranch in Dickens County in the late 1800s. Flook was discharged "because of drunkenness." He then moved to Dickens and opened a store, to-wit:
Sam´l G. Flook, Dr.
Hardware, Tinware, Glassware
Saddlery, Etc.
Wonder if the "Etc." included booze from the back room?
Tip's Liquor
Highway 82
Dickens, Texas